Years ago I happened upon the stunning pink lettuces known as Millennial Pink or Radicchio La Rosa del Veneto. Back then I created a Pretty in Pink Salad for Easter dinner that had a fair amount of ingredients. After talking to some readers recently, I found out that they wanted simpler recipes* so I decided to create a scaled down version of that salad and test it out for small dinner party. And since it’s almost Easter again, I figured that this edition of the pink salad might be an easier one to pull off for your Easter holiday meal.
*Side note: Given this valuable feedback (which I greatly appreciate) I will be posting some super easy, weeknight meals. It didn’t occur to me to provide simpler meals as I figured they might seem like obvious combos or too simple to warrant a post. But I have since learned that they are helpful. More to come soon.
Back to rose colored lettuces.
There is something about the color of these leaves that grabs me every time. The look and feel is soft and delicate. It makes me feel like I should be hosting an elegant tea party with fussy floral plates. Since the flavor is quite subtle, pairing it with the sturdier structure and definitively more bitter tones of radicchio creates a nice balance. I will admit that these lettuces are not easy to find. Traditional grocery stores probably will not carry them. Since they are from the radicchio family, Italian Specialty markets carry them, which is where I buy mine.
As I mentioned this was being tested out for a dinner party with our friends, Tecla and Scott, up at our country house. Since I knew Juancarlos and I had plans most of the day before their arrival, prep was key in being able to get the meal to the table without too much fuss. This turned out to be a great make ahead, and assemble later salad.
The Main Ingredients: Pink Lettuce, Radicchio, Beets, Goat Cheese
Serving 4
4 medium Red Beets (I figured 1 beet/person)
1 head of Pink Lettuce
1 head Radicchio
1 small shallot
1/2 tsp each of Thyme
1/4 tsp each of Salt & Pepper
Goat Cheese, I used about 2 tbsp/person
1/2 c Oil
2 Tbsp Red Wine Vinegar
2 tsp Whole grain Mustard
3-4 Tbsp Lemon Juice
Salt, Pepper
Peel and cut the beets into small chunks. I recommend wearing gloves when preparing beets as they easily stain hands, clothes and anything they touch.
In a bowl, combine the dry spices and oil, whisk and add the beets to coat.
3. Place the beets on a baking sheet and roast at 425 degrees until lightly browned and tender. Set aside. (You can make these a day ahead and store in container in the fridge.)
4. Cut 1/2” thick rounds off the end of the radicchio and secure with a toothpick. Chop the remaining radicchio into shreds. (If you are preparing this ahead of time, place in a container with a dry paper towel on top, or wrap with paper towel and place in plastic bag until time of assembly)
Side note: It occurred to me that it would be easier to place the toothpicks into the radicchio first, then cut rounds. Work smarter.
Beautiful long radicchio
Radicchio slices, ready to be skewered
Place the toothpick through the middle to hold the leaves together.
5. While the beets are roasting, grill the radicchio rounds in a pan with olive oil, salt, pepper until charred and softened. (If making ahead, let cool, then store in fridge in a sealed container.)
Grill until just browned and softened.
6. Wash and separate the outer leaves of the pink lettuces to find ones that can be used for the cups to hold the salad, and place them on individual plates. Chop the remaining lettuce and radicchio for salad base.
The size of this lettuce are ideal for lettuce cups.
Chop the rest for the ‘meat’ of the salad.
7. Thinly slice the shallots.
8. To make the dressing, simply whisk together all the ingredients.
9. To assemble, place the pink leaf on the plate, then fill with the lettuces and the beets. Place the grilled radicchio on the plate. Top with goat cheese and sprinkle the shallots on top and drizzle with dressing.
Note: This can be a hot/cold salad as well. Simply warm the beets and radicchio right before assembly.
I love using the larger leaves as a cup to hold the salad.
A colorful mix to start the meal.
This salad was enjoyed by all, as there was not a single leftover on the plates.
Here are just some of the other dishes we served. Since this was my first real dinner party at our country house, I was getting my entertaining feet wet and wasn’t able to photograph the full menu.

You know me, I always set a table, even in the country. I brought the floral cloth and napkins from our home and then used the placemats and dish & glassware from the country house. As you can see, this is a simple table set up. It doesn’t have to be all decked out to feel purposeful.
Simple table setting
I used a remnant material to add some color and fun to the table. It doesn’t have to be all jazzed up, just a tad of effort to make it feel special.
Another wonderful evening with our friends… country entertaining that warms my heart.
Tecla and Scott. The best dinner guests.