Brighter days ahead. This Easter will look a bit cheerier and a ton more hopeful than 2020. A year ago we were just getting used to lock down and coming to the realization that we weren’t going to be able to visit with family and friends for the holiday. Never in our wildest dreams (aka nightmares) did we think it would last this long. 365 days later, while there is a glimmer of hope in being able to gather in small, safe groups, it might not be the case for everyone.
For those who can, you may want a refresher course on how to entertain. This harkens back to last week’s post but dives way deeper. And since like all of you I haven’t hosted any events, I don’t have any new tricks up my sleeve. That’s when you have to reach back to the past and pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat. No reason to reinvent the wheel, use what’s worked before.
I give you, Reminders of the Past & Other Helpful Easter Ideas. And if gathering with loved ones still is not in the cards for you this holiday, any of these can be pared down to help make the day feel more festive.
Get ready. This post is chock full of images and links. Let’s start at the beginning.
Setting a table
To me, it’s the one act that truly connotes a special event and rings in the feeling that guests are coming. This may be the first time in quite awhile that you have taken out your linens and tossed them across the table. I say, go all out and make everyone feel special this go around. Here are a few ideas for a fresh spring table setting.
The yellows and white are so cheery, while the midnight blue anchors the place setting in a lovely pop of contrast.
Same sort of color combo but in a more calming tonality.
We will be eating outside in order to continue being as safe as possible. So I might take some cues from this table setting, Sunday Blues - of the Soothing, Swooning Kind. Plus this link also has a few recipes from which I might just take food cues as well.
I know we are all out of practice, but let’s try not to be lazy about the details. Take the time to finish off your table with napkins. There are various ways to fold a napkin, which doesn’t mean you need to be a magician of deft dexterity or a master of origami. It just takes simple folds, and then possibly adding an embellishment… or not. Check out these super simple ideas to put the finishing touch to your table.
Maybe you have decided that you aren’t quite ready for a formal meal. Perhaps brunch or a buffet style setting might be a good option for you.
And what would a proper table setting be without flowers? You can be extravagant and make various arrangements or you can keep it as simple as culling together a single color of tulips for single elegance. Need some visuals? Here you go.
One big arrangement
Given the dire economic state, funds might be a concern, and that is completely understandable. An inexpensive way to use florals that will make a big impression - Mums. They have different varieties that can be mixed and matched for impact.
The Menu
Sure you can have all the bells and whistles with your decor but nothing keeps them coming back like the food you serve. When it comes to the holidays people have certain traditions they like to keep, and some are even expected. JuanCarlos and I found this out the hard way during a few Thanksgiving feasts. You know me, I like to mix it up; some traditional, some not. You might have your menu already set, possibly with lamb as the starring role. But if you are still pondering what to make, fear not. Below are links to a variety of alternatives that hop just outside the Easter basket but still sing Spring.
Meat alternatives to lamb:
These are hearty and in the same vein as a lamb dish but slightly off the beaten bunny path.
A traditional Italian appetizer. Admittedly, this recipe is a labor of love. It is very rich and serves a lot, so I highly recommend only making it if you know you have guests that will enjoy it.
That’s right, it’s not actually a PIZZA, but a cake of sorts. It’s filled with layers upon layers of prosciutto, salami and ricotta cheese.
And some not so traditional
Spring Asparagus Tarts
(Rolling and cutting puff pastry, mix together ricotta & goat cheese, parsley, salt, pepper. Spread over pastry and top with asparagus. Brush with garlic oil, sprinkle with parmesan cheese and bake at 400 until golden.)
Spring asparagus with cheese on puff pastry. This is pretty straightforward, and makes a great appetizer.
Crisp pastry, creamy cheese and the bite of spring asparagus. What’s not to love?
Oven Roasted Tomatoes & Ricotta
Oven roasted tomatoes are like candied jewels and pair perfectly with the salty, creaminess of ricotta cheese.
Salads: bright and crisp
Individually plated salads… a good way to serve during a pandemic.
There is something exotic and striking about the colors and textures of these pink lettuces.
Butter Lettuce with Orange, Blueberries & Crunch
Salad Baby: Little Lettuces Fresh & Crisp
Side Dishes:
Here are two side dishes that may not be typical but truly spring - Spring. And the best part, they can be served warm or room temperature.
Tomato, Squash, Peppers & Onion Bake, a one pot vegetable side that can be enjoyed warm or room temp.
I love how the sweetness from the veggies plays off the savory of the cheeses in this baked dish.
I hope you found this trip down memory lane useful. Even more, I hope that in taking from the past we can borrow some joy to light a spark for our future. As for our family, we have been extremely fortunate and so very grateful for our health, safety and beyond. This Easter we are lucky that the stars are aligning for some of my family to be able to come to my house. The weather is expected be nice enough for us to be outside. My parents and a few others have been vaccinated and the rest of us have been quite diligent about staying safe. We will still remain a good distance apart and wear masks when we are not eating. But we will be together, and that is a very good thing. I wish for you the same. May you be able to break bread with your loved ones safely and joyously.
Happy Easter and beyond.