Our idyllic view
As I sat on the balcony of our beloved Miami condo for the very last time, I couldn’t help but think about fate, about destiny, about a convergence of life happenings that brought me there. Decades ago I moved to Miami to advance my career in television production. Ironically, I only stayed at that job position for 1 year but ended up staying 9 more, partnering with Brian and Kevin of Forti/Layne Entertainment producing, editing and co-directing so many wonderful projects.
Our most spectacular view from the balcony.
Obviously, I racked up hundreds of experiences during that decade. However, for this story to come full circle I want to focus on the night I went to a party at a building that jutted out into Biscayne Bay. I have crystal clear images of that night;
meeting at my best friend, Emilce’s house, downing some pre-party cocktails
packing into a car with a group of friends singing to Santana’s “Maria, Maria”
pulling up to the grand building tucked back off the busy, kinda seedy main street of Biscayne Blvd.
the warm wind that gusted off the bay as we entered that forced us to walk with leaned intention
the spectacular water view from the apartment
and finally the seed planted in my brain that I would live there one day
Biscayne 21 as it was known. Located at 21st Street and North Bayshore Drive off Biscayne Blvd and jutting out into Biscayne Bay.
Fast forward a decade, I moved back to NY having never lived in that building of my dreams while actually living in Miami. I settled back into New York living by buying my first co-op and moving in with my now husband, Juancarlos. Then 2 years later by absolute luck…AKA fate, an apartment in that very building came available. So, I bought it sight unseen. That is how much I wanted to be there.
Our beloved southern home, at just the right height, just the right location, just the perfect view. Just perfect.
After the closing, keys in hand, I pushed open the door that turned my purchase from wishful dream to glorious reality.
Not a lick of substantial furniture, armed only with an air mattress and some linens. It was all I needed to feel at home.
514, magical numbers.
At first, we rented the apartment full time thinking it would be an investment property, and then eventually turn into a retirement pied a terre. But after awhile Juancarlos and I realized we wanted this place all to ourselves. Now after 20 years, we were forced out. The greedy glut of overbuilding and erecting enormous monstrosities has bought us out. A developer will tear down the quaint 15 story building to replace it with not 1 but 3 towers of 53 floors each! Yet another part of Miami history turned to rubble. If you have ever seen the movie “Something About Mary” then you have seen our building. It was the one to the left of the singers on the final scene. And oh yeah, they tore down the historic beautiful house that Mary lived in to construct an obnoxiously tall building that used to block the sun on our pool. But what can you do, fight city hall? So, we sold off most of the furnishings, gave away some, packed up the rest and drove back to NY with our memories in tow.
Even with clouds the days were beautiful.
Miami represents a million things to me. My first venture out of my native NY to pursue a career in live television. Being away from my beloved family and all our gatherings. Buying my first car, having 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms all to myself. No more elevator to the basement to wash my clothes, I had a washer/dryer all to myself and only having to deal with my lint, and no one else’s. Meeting new friends that would last a lifetime, Winning awards for my production work. Meeting my husband, being proposed by him in Miami. Having a second wedding celebration there for our friends who couldn’t/didn’t want to fly after 9/11, honeymooning in Miami and the Keyes and so much more. We have hundreds upon hundreds of photos, and I will do my best to inundate you with images so you too can be wrapped in the warm glow that tugged at my heart.
Engagement Party smiles. Juancarlos proposed to me in Miami two weeks before September 11.
It was a second home, and as such we welcomed our family and friends. For many years, my parents would spend the entire month of February there. Sometimes we would join them and spend precious moments together, by the pool, at the beach, but mostly eating. Who doesn’t enjoy a good meal with the people who bring you joy?

Since Miami had such meaning to us from a marriage point of view, we used to go down in October to celebrate our anniversary. And of course, we would meet up with friends or invite them over for nibbles and drinks, laughter and good cheer. We celebrated not just anniversaries but many a birthday as well, with our dearest fra-mily. Our home was small but mighty in the joy it provided.
Anniversary tapas dinner.
Another year of celebration.
Happy Birthday to me!
Birthday celebration with framily, during a February visit when my parents were down. See my dad in the background? On this occasion our friends, John & George, hosted at that fabulous house.
From an uncomplicated lifestyle, to enough room to entertain, to a view that never got old, only got better. It fulfilled my every dream from decades prior.
The sunrise that warms our souls and inspired us to get up and get out.
Midday beauty. Nature’s artistry at work.
Reflections. Even the tall buildings provided interesting views.
At night the glow provided a different kind of warm.
A glow that filled not just the sky, but my heart.
Never boring, never got old.
Blue, but never the ‘blues’.
One sure way of knowing when I’m comfortable and completely at home is preparing and enjoying meals. And boy, did we do that. If I have a kitchen, I will be stirring up some food of love. Every morning we would take our coffee & breakfast to watch the sun rise. Every late afternoon after a day at the beach we would make a healthy meal and eat on the balcony. In the evening, a cocktail or wine and watch the lights brighten the skyline. It was endless joy.
Balcony moments with my love.
Sun rays reaching towards us to welcome us to another picture perfect day.
Here is a smorgasbord of food offerings over the years.

That balcony was filled with LOVE.
I’ve even had the great fortune of selling my children’s book at the famous Books & Books stores in Coral Gables and Miami Beach, as well as school author visits.
Signing books at the Coral Gables Books & Books store.
Proudly showing off my title at the Miami Beach Books & Books location. (Unfortunately, that store closed after the pandemic.)
A school assembly, getting the kids energized and excited. There is nothing better than a child’s enthusiasm, and to encourage creativity, imagination and curiosity. I have been blessed.
Many a time this place has grounded me. I used the beach and the water to find my way, to answer my questions, to assuage my doubts, to remind me of my talents and all the opportunities that the universe has locked and loaded for me.
The ocean vastness was never overwhelming. It showed me the greatness that was far reaching and touched us all.
Moments of thought.
Long walks along the golden sands providing quiet time to reflect.
We frequented a beach that rarely had crowds of people. Most of the time we had yards of beach to ourselves.
Ocean and sky in various forms.
Seagull happiness
Perfect days
Gorgeous, striking color contrasts
Shining sparkles that bounce off the water as if you say, look at all the possibilities life has to offer.
Each sparkle an opportunity, all rushing towards me.
The quiet expanse that calmed and soothed me.
Sun that would warm my skin and my soul.
The sun and water that rejuvenated me.
The gratitude for all I am given.
My happy place
Happy in our home.
Quality time with my husband, where we walked for miles, talked for days and dreamed up our future.
My personal sherpa.
Together in the place where we met, fell in love, got engaged, celebrated our wedding and honeymooned. How could this place not have meaning to us.
Just another day at the beach
Change is hard. And this change is not just hard but ironic. Since over two decades ago I made the hard choice to leave Miami to return to New York. To once again further my career, to be closer to family, and be near my beloved city. When the thought of leaving Miami became hard, I enlisted the advice from the popular book, Who Moved My Cheese? Back then, I was so afraid of making the move, of making a mistake. Would I find work? Could I survive freelancing? Would I miss the diversity of work, my friends, the sun and warm weather? But as the book professes, there is Cheese everywhere, and enough to go around for everyone. My cheese may have been moved again, but I know I will find an abundance and variety no matter where I turn.
Sky, sea, land
And so here is the long goodbye, as we drove away from a view that will forever be etched in my mind. With gratitude and love for how much the universe has provided me, I give thanks for all the blessings in my life. And am reminded that the sun shines in the sky, no matter what longitude or latitude in which you are standing.
One last goodbye