Who doesn't like walking into a room with fresh flowers? This is one of the simple pleasures that I try to bring into our home as often as possible. I have found that it doesn't need to be expensive or elaborate. As a matter of fact, I lean more toward simplicity.
This past weekend we had a little brunch at our home (yes, recipes and table scape posts coming soon). Since I knew I wouldn't be going into the city to pick up flowers at my favorite spot, Dahlia, I knew I would need to find some locally.
Alas, there wasn't much from which to choose in my town, but I did find two bunches that had promise. As I picked up tracheliums and sea holly, I already had a plan in my head for a simple display.
Garage sale bargain that brings me joy time and again
My first thought was to use the tracheliums, also known as jade, to create a low line of "trees". From there, I would sporadically insert the purple sea holly. However, Plan A got squashed when I got home to realize that I didn't have a right vessel. (Hard to imagine given the varied vase styles and sizes In the cabinets). The one I was thinking of was WAY too large. Plan B: use my favorite little glass jars I picked up at a garage sale.
I laid it all out and was about to start cutting, when I realized that it just wasn't what I had in mind. So I searched through my cabinets and found a small serving dish with just enough lip to hold water and serve a new purpose. I put the frogs inside and starting assembling my Purple Forest.
Once I cut the stems to the height I wanted the shorter stems were quite thin for the frog teeth. However, the bottom parts of the stems were thicker so I used those to act as fences to hold them up.
Then I took some stones and placed them around the base to cover up the frogs.
I'm so glad I found that little platter. It wasn't exactly my original plan as the "vase" was slightly different, but it was much closer to my vision than using the glass bottles. I don't know what your thoughts are but I simply adore this sweet little arrangement. Super simple but eye catching. Thought I would share this one right before Easter weekend in case you needed a little floral forest for your table.
A few fun purple thoughts:
It is said that if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind.
Most children love the color purple.
Purple is the color most favored by artists.
Thursday's color is purple. (Hence, launching this post on Thursday seems perfect.)
Or for the simplest "put a smile on your face" florals for Easter... Totally Tulips.
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